Subverse Project
The Subverse Project is a system to agent interaction in a virtual world with objective of studies and learns of Artificial Intelligence algorithms. It is a set of parts to create a simulated environment of Artificial Inteligence and learning.
This project has the folowing disciplines:
- Computer Graphics: Creation of a virtual world to interaction of agents that will be inserteds in this world;
- Computer vision: Studies and implementation of computer vision tecnics to agents in this world;
- Games: Join Computer Graphics, agent controls and interactions in the virtual world;
- Distributed Systems: Distributed process as agents in a lot of computers in internet, connecting in a virtual world to make your life cycle;
- Artificial Intelligence: Implementation of agents in a virtual world with algorithms proved with artificial intelligence. This has a lot of areas like: Distrubuted Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Agents, Artificials Neural Networks, Logic, Fuzzy Logic, Bioinspired computing, Expert Systems, etc...
Project Subverse is composed by a module with a Data Bank to persistent informations of agents and virtual world, and the server system as well.
The Subverse Project is a system composed of some modules. The first module is the Server System as well and a Data base that will keep its persistent information. These information will be configured in an WEB interface. The Server System of the Worlds must manage the solicitations made for the Avatars, representatives of the Agents connecteds in the virtual world. The Agents communicates with their Avatars to be able to interact with its virtual world. Finally, there is a graphical interface for visualization of the virtual world to turn possible to see the life cycle of the agents and the virtual world execution.

Figure 1: Project Subverse Architecture.
Actual Status
The implementation of Subverse Project is developed in C++ language and is actually in following status:
- Only in a simple system was implemented where agents is a son class from main Element class;
- The system has no a database and the world configuration is in a file;
- New agents can be added in the system with new classes and in file of world configuration;
- The system has a temporary Graphics interface;
Next Steps
As next steps of Project Subverse, there is:
- Create documentations of Project Subverse, development and user manual;
- Modeling and Implementation of Subverse database;
- Implementation of Subverse World Server System and Avatar System;
- Implementation of library to connection of agents to avatars;
- Implementation of Remote Graphic Interface;
- Implementation of Web Interface;
- Implementation of Agents softwares examples;
Download the complete source code:
Download the windows binaries:
Allegro - a game programming library.
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